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Wuhan Yoozz.

Day 34: the final farewell @ Thursday, October 21, 2010

During such times, I would be beaming and smiling from cheek to cheek, not this time. I just start to feel like I belong to somewhere, start to get accustomed to a new place and I have to leave? I do not feel like parting this place, I call home. I need to leave here even if I am reluctant to do so, to part with my friends, to leave behind only our foot prints and take way with us the many memories we had made.
In this modern world, although technology is so advanced, there are still so many things we are not able to do. For example, we are not able to project ourselves in front of other people’s laptops. We are not able to travel through a door and get to any places we want to. We can also not have a clock that allows us to turn time back to where we want it to be. Such things only happen in fairytales, in cartoons. How I wish I possess such technology.

Summary reflection:
I shall not talk about how painful and unwilling, our 5th OIP batch of students is when we part with the Chinese students. Instead, I shall turn to how happy we are to be back.
Wherever I may choose to go
I will always recall the city
Know every street and shore
Sail down the river which brings us life
Winding through my Singapore
Singapore is our homeland after all. We will definitely find our home to be the best place to be at anytime any place.
This is when the quote “home sweet home” comes in.
it has been a long 34 days over in Wuhan, I enjoyed myself thoroughly, earning and learning lots of experiences and friends along the way. You may say that I have been to a very fruitful trip. 34 days, just flashed through my mind while I wrote these words. The memories are already etched deep in my mind. Good friendship bonds are fostered.

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Day 33: final shopping @ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have you tried before doing last minute shopping? I did, however, the reason for doing so it not because there is a festive season, or there are sale all over the place. It is because; we still only have one more day in Wuhan before we fly back to Singapore. There are so many things that we want to buy and have so little time. It can be fun, for me I find it to be rather fun, as this is the first time I did last minute shopping. Before the shopping actually began, we went to 户部巷 to enjoy our late breakfast and early lunch; brunch. When we reached there, we were shocked, the very first time we went there, the place was all tattered and torn, and the place is a little run down. When we were back there the second time, the place had a makeover. The roads are all nicely paved and more wide and easier to walk. It was worth the trip down to have our 汤包 before we go for our shopping.

Things will change over time. Today was a good example. A run down street can also turn into a nicely furnished place that can allow many people to come and enjoy their meals. What I want to say is that, China is a fast-paced metropolitan country. Its economy is increasing which is a good sign for many. Now we might see Wuhan, China to be not as wealthy compared to Singapore, given time, it would be as prospers as our homeland.  Time can also allow friends to cultivate a stronger bond; it can also cause friends to become enemies. I would hope in due time, I would be able to see the Chinese students again.

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Day 32: farewell dinner for everyone @

Hello; 你好,golden hans;  金汉斯。Last three days left in Wuhan, China and I am so going to miss here.  I always think to myself, why I chose to come here. And I found my reason, I wanted to know and make lots and lots of friends here. Since now I will be going back to Singapore in a few days time, I would dearly miss all of them. As the title suggest, in order to show our gratitude to the friends we made, we treated them to a dinner at golden hans; an international buffet. We filled ourselves till our “bellies” content, and we had all of this over a hearty conversation.

It is a very memorable 4 weeks and 4 days. I feel that, everyone will be having mixed feelings at this moment. Both jovial and sadness; former is because home is not far from reach not, just a few more days and everyone will be back in Singapore in the comfort of our homes. The latter, everyone will have to leave this fun-loving place we call home. As for me, I am very reluctant to live this wonderful home. I am so accustomed to this place that I feel that I can call this my real home. The lifestyle over here suits me so much. However, I know this is not possible, as I must go back to my own family, to the home where I truly belong.

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Day 31: breeze through my hair @ Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The day began with a group of us going to a hair salon to do our hair. “发原地”. As it has been 5 weeks we had our hair cut. Usually when I am back in Singapore, I would go for a hair cut around 1 and a half month.

When we reach the place, we were warmly greeted with smiles and are led to each hairdresser. If there were any special request, for example, some would ask for the director or the head hairstylist. Such request will be met with extra charges. After doing so, had our hair washed and cut. The hairstylist even recommended me to have my hair “perm”. I found out that, many of the guys are recommended by the hairstylist to have their hair perm. Coincidence?

I find that there are many differences between Singapore and China. One of it is definitely the hair salons here. I could see from what I experience, is that the “服务员” are very hospitable, and wants to provide good service. Once they are assigned with a customer, they give their utmost attention to them.  they would want to take their time, in servicing you, the reason behind it maybe because they want you to enjoy every bit of the washing; cutting, etc. the layout of the salon is also a visible difference, it shows them putting in effort to furnish and beautify the place. However, I would also like to say that, I have only been to this one hair salon and this outlet alone, thus, I still do not have in-depth knowledge about whether the differences applies to all the hair salon in China.

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Day 30: venturing into a new place @

13 Oct marks the end of all lessons for our OIP journey. Everyone are excited about it, this means that we can finally have a well deserve rest and can finally go and enjoy ourselves with friends. With that, we did go out to play once the bell that signifies the end of lessons rang. But first, we still need to do something even more important, that is …… to buy food to fill our empty stomach. “a hungry man is an angry man! … I want my food!”

last chance that i will see this classroom

With the accompany of the students, we went to a place which we did not go before. We took a familiar bus number, “702” but went to a totally different place; “群光广场” we wanted to go to a unique restaurant. The restaurant is unique in a way because, we get to eat with bears! Wait a minute, not real bears, but teddy bears. The theme of the restaurant is all about teddy bears. Every table will have at least one teddy bear, accompanying you while you have your meal.

the "VIP"

 look at how happy they are with the bear

look at the collection of bears in the outlet, aren't they adorable!

It is a wonderful and great experience, to be able to spend time with the local students here. I feel very blessed, to have known them. However, I think that 5 weeks is a tad too short. How I envy the previous OIP batches, whereas they have 6 weeks, which is one extra week. They are able to have more time to interact with the students and enjoy more freedom! The things I will miss most will definitely be the students and the food over there. It is going to be a difficult task to adjust back to normal once we are back in Singapore.

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