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Wuhan Yoozz.

Day 31: breeze through my hair @ Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The day began with a group of us going to a hair salon to do our hair. “发原地”. As it has been 5 weeks we had our hair cut. Usually when I am back in Singapore, I would go for a hair cut around 1 and a half month.

When we reach the place, we were warmly greeted with smiles and are led to each hairdresser. If there were any special request, for example, some would ask for the director or the head hairstylist. Such request will be met with extra charges. After doing so, had our hair washed and cut. The hairstylist even recommended me to have my hair “perm”. I found out that, many of the guys are recommended by the hairstylist to have their hair perm. Coincidence?

I find that there are many differences between Singapore and China. One of it is definitely the hair salons here. I could see from what I experience, is that the “服务员” are very hospitable, and wants to provide good service. Once they are assigned with a customer, they give their utmost attention to them.  they would want to take their time, in servicing you, the reason behind it maybe because they want you to enjoy every bit of the washing; cutting, etc. the layout of the salon is also a visible difference, it shows them putting in effort to furnish and beautify the place. However, I would also like to say that, I have only been to this one hair salon and this outlet alone, thus, I still do not have in-depth knowledge about whether the differences applies to all the hair salon in China.

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