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Wuhan Yoozz.

Day 30: venturing into a new place @ Tuesday, October 19, 2010

13 Oct marks the end of all lessons for our OIP journey. Everyone are excited about it, this means that we can finally have a well deserve rest and can finally go and enjoy ourselves with friends. With that, we did go out to play once the bell that signifies the end of lessons rang. But first, we still need to do something even more important, that is …… to buy food to fill our empty stomach. “a hungry man is an angry man! … I want my food!”

last chance that i will see this classroom

With the accompany of the students, we went to a place which we did not go before. We took a familiar bus number, “702” but went to a totally different place; “群光广场” we wanted to go to a unique restaurant. The restaurant is unique in a way because, we get to eat with bears! Wait a minute, not real bears, but teddy bears. The theme of the restaurant is all about teddy bears. Every table will have at least one teddy bear, accompanying you while you have your meal.

the "VIP"

 look at how happy they are with the bear

look at the collection of bears in the outlet, aren't they adorable!

It is a wonderful and great experience, to be able to spend time with the local students here. I feel very blessed, to have known them. However, I think that 5 weeks is a tad too short. How I envy the previous OIP batches, whereas they have 6 weeks, which is one extra week. They are able to have more time to interact with the students and enjoy more freedom! The things I will miss most will definitely be the students and the food over there. It is going to be a difficult task to adjust back to normal once we are back in Singapore.

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