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Wuhan Yoozz.

Day 32: farewell dinner for everyone @ Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hello; 你好,golden hans;  金汉斯。Last three days left in Wuhan, China and I am so going to miss here.  I always think to myself, why I chose to come here. And I found my reason, I wanted to know and make lots and lots of friends here. Since now I will be going back to Singapore in a few days time, I would dearly miss all of them. As the title suggest, in order to show our gratitude to the friends we made, we treated them to a dinner at golden hans; an international buffet. We filled ourselves till our “bellies” content, and we had all of this over a hearty conversation.

It is a very memorable 4 weeks and 4 days. I feel that, everyone will be having mixed feelings at this moment. Both jovial and sadness; former is because home is not far from reach not, just a few more days and everyone will be back in Singapore in the comfort of our homes. The latter, everyone will have to leave this fun-loving place we call home. As for me, I am very reluctant to live this wonderful home. I am so accustomed to this place that I feel that I can call this my real home. The lifestyle over here suits me so much. However, I know this is not possible, as I must go back to my own family, to the home where I truly belong.

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